Sunday, September 26, 2010

Funny Stuff My Husband Says, Vol. VI

And now, faithful friends, I bring you the long-anticipated "Dad Edition" of Funny Stuff My Husband Says.  I've got a doozy for ya, folks.  To see past episodes, click here.

Jeremy:  [Looks at baby] Oh, cute outfit, Josephine!  You have little giraffes on your shirt!

Veronica:  Umm, excuse me?

Jeremy:  What?

Veronica:  Those aren't giraffes.  Not even a little.

Jeremy:  Horses?

Veronica:  Closer.

Jeremy:  Fancy horses?

Veronica:  Dear god ...

"Umm, Dad?  Have you ever been to a zoo?"

Veronica:  Yes, they are those fancy white horses that have black stripes. See you after work.

Jeremy:  What?


  1. hahahaha...I think this alone proves that women are just that much smarter. :)

  2. What a cute baby! & yes clearly zebras! haha

  3. that face clearly says, "Dear God, half of my genes came from THAT guy?!"

  4. LOL, silly Daddy.

    Josephine is a thing of beauty!!

  5. OMGosh! I found you through H and a half...burst out laughing when I looked at the picture.

    My six year old asked what I was laughing at...

    I asked her what was was on the shirt, she says "Zebras, why?" teeheehee

  6. OMGosh! I found you through H and a half...burst out laughing when I looked at the picture.

    My six year old asked what I was laughing at...

    I asked her what was was on the shirt, she says "Zebras, why?" teeheehee


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