I was thinking the other day that I hadn't done a Josephine's Favorite Books post in a long time, and have never done one for Genevieve (d'oh), and I would do one right now, but we have been reading the same book day in and day out for over a week, and it looks like it's not in print anymore, so it's not like you could go get yourself a copy anyway (just in case you're in interested, it's Popcorn
by Frank Asch)
But, there are a few other things we have been loving lately that I thought you might also need in your lives. (Affiliate links, because I could use the 10 cents if 100 of you click the links.)
First up, a collapsible step-stool:

EZ Foldz Step Stool
, $13.75
My mom got a very similar one for the girls to use at her house, then she bought me this, and it is awesome. It folds right up and fits between our vanity and the wall so we don't have to lose precious floor space in our miniature bathroom. It's light enough that Genevieve can easily carry it around the house but holds up to 300 pounds. Highly recommend.
Next is a stacking toy:
Melissa & Doug Geometric Stacker
, $15.78
So simple, and we have other stacking toys, but this thing is the best ever. I got it for Genevieve for Christmas, and she has played with it every single day. Josephine also steals it from her every single day, because it is just that awesome, apparently. The square one is a little hard for Genevieve, but she stacks them any which way and loves it.
I had totally forgotten about these reusable sticker pads! They still exist!
Melissa & Doug Reusable Fairies Sticker Pad, $6.83

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
, $24.96
My dear friend Andrea sent us a care package when all four of us were sick, and this was inside. I about died. I LOVED these when I was little, and Josephine loved them just as much as I knew she would.
Bonus fun story about this product: When it arrived, one of the pages had been punched incorrectly, and I felt so sad about it that I called Melissa & Doug and they sent a new one, no questions asked, and without requiring me to send in the damaged one. I was having bad luck with Melissa & Doug products lately and losing my love for them, but that brought me back around so quickly that I will recommend their products forever.
Last but not least:

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
My favorite as a girl is now my girls' favorite. SWOON. I could not be happier. When the first notes of music begin to play, Genevieve screams with delight and then begins dancing. Josephine talks like all the characters (today she told me she needs some "H-h-h-help" like Piglet, and she loves to say "Yes, yes, of course, of course" like Owl). This version that my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law got them for Christmas is the DVD/Blu Ray/digital copy version.
There you have it. A few of our favorite things. Are there any favorite things that have changed your life lately? Hit me up in the comments!