I know, it likely spells disaster, right?
Oh well. I feel like celebrating, and I know in celebrating (my mom would call it bragging), I might jinx the whole damn thing, but come on, now! This is a beautiful moment!
What moment, you ask?
(bed made by her Grandpa [originally for me], nightstand made by her father [originally for me], rail added shortly after this picture was taken [and after she rolled out])
The first night took an extra twenty minutes or so before she decided she would stay in her bed and let us leave the room, but five minutes after that, she was asleep. The first nap went swimmingly. Even the first nap where she didn't seem sufficiently tired went fine. She's a big girl in her big bed who just gets in bed and goes to sleep, and the first words out of her mouth in the morning are "BIG GIRL BED!"
I could not be more proud.
Now, Jeremy and I are totally aware that we are living in the golden times -- she has not yet realized that she can just get up out of bed and play with all the toys in her room instead of sleeping. We're sure that will come. For now, however, she's in her big girl bed and being a stellar sleeper.
I'll say it again: I could not be more proud. And if this all turns around tomorrow, at least I will be able to look back on this moment and remember what a good job she did, instead of looking back at a complainy post about how she is terrorizing us and staying up till 2 AM throwing things around her room and not getting to see the glorious moments that came before.
Well done, Josie girl. We love you.