Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Call Me Jinxy

I'm going to try something a little different. I'm going to go against everything my superstitious brain tells me I should be doing.

I know, it likely spells disaster, right?

Oh well. I feel like celebrating, and I know in celebrating (my mom would call it bragging), I might jinx the whole damn thing, but come on, now! This is a beautiful moment!

What moment, you ask?


(bed made by her Grandpa [originally for me], nightstand made by her father [originally for me], rail added shortly after this picture was taken [and after she rolled out])


The first night took an extra twenty minutes or so before she decided she would stay in her bed and let us leave the room, but five minutes after that, she was asleep. The first nap went swimmingly. Even the first nap where she didn't seem sufficiently tired went fine. She's a big girl in her big bed who just gets in bed and goes to sleep, and the first words out of her mouth in the morning are "BIG GIRL BED!"

I could not be more proud.

Now, Jeremy and I are totally aware that we are living in the golden times -- she has not yet realized that she can just get up out of bed and play with all the toys in her room instead of sleeping. We're sure that will come. For now, however, she's in her big girl bed and being a stellar sleeper.

I'll say it again: I could not be more proud. And if this all turns around tomorrow, at least I will be able to look back on this moment and remember what a good job she did, instead of looking back at a complainy post about how she is terrorizing us and staying up till 2 AM throwing things around her room and not getting to see the glorious moments that came before.

Well done, Josie girl. We love you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Funny Stuff My Husband Says, Vol. XXII: Saturday Morning Edition

I overheard the following conversation take place in the kitchen between Josephine and Jeremy while I was in the living room with Genevieve:

Josephine: Cereal!

Jeremy: Really? You want cereal, too? You have a HUGE breakfast in front of you.

Josephine: Cereal!

Jeremy: Do you just want it because I'm eating some?

Josephine: Cereal!

Jeremy: Okay, cereal. 

Jeremy gets Josephine a bowl of cereal with milk

Jeremy: Wow, good job! That was a perfect bite! 

Time passes

Jeremy: Okay, well, how about some more bites?

Josephine: ....

Jeremy: Josephine. Are you going to eat any more?

Josephine: ....

Jeremy: Josephine, you cannot eat cereal casually. Eating cereal is a serious thing. It's getting all soggy! 

Josephine: ....

Jeremy: Oh, I give up.  

To see all volumes of Funny Stuff My Husband Says, Click HERE

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I had just had a slurpee. There's a lot of sugar in those.

In case you didn't know, the first game of the World Series was last night, and Jeremy's beloved Detroit Tigers were ... not as "on" as they have been up until now. Things were getting tense up in here, to say the least. 

Thankfully, my sister lightened the mood by popping up on gchat. Please, enjoy.

10:05 PM
just wondering if everyone is alive over there
10:06 PM
Yeah. Jeremy just said he wanted to murder someone. I told him not the baby in his arms, not Josephine, and not me. He looked at the dog, and I said no, then he looked out to the kitchen to indicate MoJo, and I also said no. I think we're safe.
I told Jeremy you asked if everyone is alive and he said "It's nothing to joke about!!!"
I tried to call you even though Dan said I shouldn't and then he talked me out of calling Jeremy because we couldn't decide if you guys were up
Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't realize my phone was sitting right next to me, dead.
Yeah, he's in no mood to talk.
He blames himself because he wore a different jersey tonight than he has been wearing. He already took it off, but he thinks it's too late anyway.
10:10 PM
you have directed quite a scene in my head about what is going on over there

Annndddd SCENE. Go Tigers!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Pretty Dang Nice Little Weekend

I know it's a Tuesday, which is a pretty weird day to wrap up a weekend, but I've been fighting a virus since Thursday, so cut me some slack over here.

On Saturday morning I got up before everyone else (blech) and went to two mom2mom sales with my mom. It was so worth getting up early, because I got two overflowing bags of very nice clothes AND a toy bowling set I think I'll save for Josephine for Christmas ... all for $20! One of the sweaters I got ALONE would have cost $25 new. Holla! 

By the time we got back, Josephine had just rolled out of bed, and my mom got out ten mini pumpkins and a bunch of doo-dads and let her glue away (she used extra strong Tacky glue and there was no dripping or slipping at all). She LOVED it! Look at how festive our TV looks now!

I think my favorites are the spiders ("piders") (yes, obviously my mom helped her with those) and the ones with all the googly eyes.

Josephine is very proud of her work.

Jeremy was pretty peeved that it was raining on Saturday, since he had planned to do two days worth of yardwork this weekend ("We're running out of TIME, Veronica!!"), but he DID paint the hallway, which was in dire need of freshening up. It looks fab now, and he did in in the span of Josie's naptime. Very efficient. 

Then, Jeremy's parents came and sat with the babies while we went out to dinner. 

Sunday morning dawned, and there was no more pesky rain. I stayed in bed with a very unhappy Genevieve (I'm fairly certain she has whatever virus I have, poor dear) while Jeremy and Josephine tackled the yard. Josephine also showed Jeremy how to start the lawnmower (not really, jerks -- no need to call CPS) (this time).

Eventually Genevieve let me strap her on and join the fun outside. It was a beautiful day. We got lots of work done, and even met some neighbors we hadn't met yet.

Cleo supervised majestically from one of the flower beds.

I haven't shown you this yet, but this is my favorite tree in our new yard. It looks like two trees hugging (or making out, depends on who you are, I guess). 

Next, we introduced Josephine to the wonder of jumping in leaves. At first she was skeptical.

But she figured it out soon enough.

Sidebar: Jeremy worked his A off raking the front and back yards (I did some, too!), and ... this is how our yard currently looks:

When he got home from work last night he got all mad at the trees, and when I laughed, he said, "Can't you see I'm in the fight of my life against these leaves?!?!?!" Love that guy.

Next, we headed to an orchard/pumpkin patch with my mom and dad, where Josephine spent a great deal of time climbing on bales of hay. 

She decided the best way to choose her pumpkin was to sit on every one. Okay.

I wanted a family photo, but didn't want to unstrap a finally-sleeping Genevieve, and Josephine wanted to look at pumpkins, not the camera, so this is the best we got.

Much like the failed attempts last weekend at a family wedding.

Seriously, this is what passes for a family picture around here.

Anyway, after a scrumptious dinner at my parents' house, we headed home for an early bedtime. 

And finally, I'll cap this off with a gratuitous photo of my adorable baby. Because I can.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Josephine's Favorite Books, 24-26 months (I know using months after 2 years old is annoying. So sue me.)

I'm trying to keep a few more promises I make myself lately, and one I made a while back was try to record some of Josephine's favorite books as she grows. Well, I only waited a few months this time, so here we go! In the first few months of Josephine's second year, these were some of the smash hits around here:

There's a Wocket in My Pocket!

Oh yes, "Pocket" (as Josephine calls it) is back, BIG TIME. I truly can't believe how into Suess she is, given they are way longer than the average book she likes, and her attention span with other activities can be 0.1 seconds. But seriously, Pocket is an excellent Suess choice, if you're in the market.

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? : Dr. Seuss's Book of Wonderful Noises (Bright and Early Books for Beginning Beginners Ser.)

A close second for favorite Suess is "Moo." In fact, yesterday at nap, she asked to take it to bed with her. I figured, good luck sister, the lights will be out and gave it to her. When she finally got quiet, I turned on the monitor to get a peek and see that she was sleeping safely and not wedged somewhere, and she was laying on her back, quietly "reading" in the dark. I ran to get my camera, but by the time I got it, she was fast asleep. I'll have to live with the mental image, I suppose.

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site

My mom found one of those "10 Books Your Toddler NEEDS" lists, and this was on it. This book was like CRACK for about a month. She needed it multiple times a night, every night, or all hell would break loose. She laughed, she smiled, she memorized the book, it was all well and good (except for the fact that I got pretty sick of it pretty quickly, and I was only reading it to her during the day -- Jeremy does the bedtime reading). She still loves it, but doesn't require 25 readings a day (thankfully). What can I say? She loves her some heavy machinery.
Gallop!: A Scanimation Picture Book (Scanimation Books)

This is actually one in a series of books that I saw and loved in Barnes & Noble not long after Josie was born, and was also on the "GOTTA BUY THIS BOOK" list my mom found, so she bought her this when she bought her Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site. It is super super cool, as the images "move" across the pages. Very high tech and all. I always bring this one in the car, because I can throw it at her over my shoulder and she "reads" it herself, as opposed to other books that Mama must read (Yeah, that's a fun little fight in the car -- "Mama read it!" "I'm driving, honey; I'll read it when we get home." "MAMA READ IT!!!!!!" "MAMA'S DRIVING, PUNK!" -- just kidding. I just repeat myself through clenched teeth, that's all.)

Little Color Fairies

This was a birthday gift, and it's one of those lovely "something moves on every page" books. She is ALL ABOUT IT. She also calls one of the princesses "Mama," so I'm on board, too. You've gotta take every compliment you can get, am I right?

The Monster at the End of this Book (Sesame Street) (Big Little Golden Book)

I am super geeked, in a super-nerdy way, that Josephine loves this book. This is one of the books that I have the most vivid memories of reading when I was wee. I loved all the yelling and laughing and page-turning involved. (If you're not familiar, Grover is begging the reader not to turn pages, and then when you do, he gets all mad. Hilarious.)

Another Monster at the End of This Book (Sesame Street Ser.)

Did you fans of the original know there was a new addition, this time with our little friend Elmo? (Of course, right? That monster's everywhere.) Well, there is, and this time Grover begs the reader not to turn the pages and Elmo tells them to go ahead and do it. Hilarity ensues.

And there you have it -- what Josephine is digging the most right now. If you have kids this age, what are they grooving on currently? I'd love to add to her collection if you have suggestions not on our shelves!

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