Wednesday, October 23, 2013

So It Begins

You know what you don't think of when you view a potential house on a very temperate day? That the upstairs attic-turned-master bedroom will be brutally hot in the summer (even with central air) and freezing cold in the winter (even if the heat is cranked so high you're sweltering on the first level).

This means you'll have to deal with your perpetually-hot husband who thinks the heat should never be on anyway even more than usual.

It's only October and it's already begun:

P.S. Jeremy said I could only post this if I "made it explicitly clear" he was joking. Soooo ... I think I've done my best with this little P.S. in which I tell you he told me to tell you he was joking. Nailed it .


  1. We have the same situation going on at our house. We put a window air conditioner up there to supplement in the summer and we have a portable radiator for the winter. It keeps both of us happy!

  2. We have the same situation going on at our house. We have a window air conditioner to supplement during the summer and a portable radiator for the winter. It keeps both of is happy, and didn't cost an arm and a leg.


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