Thursday, July 12, 2012

Small Victories (and Other Unrelated Things)

Some great updates regarding Baby X and her imminent arrival.

1. Josephine has mastered newborn care:

I got that baby out to have her get used to having a newborn around, and she holds it and kisses it and gives it knuckles and is generally adorable. Why I never bothered to put some clothes on the thing? Your guess is as good as mine. Even my cat is hanging his head in shame in the background. I figure if I post this picture and feel the shame, maybe I will open up the newborn clothes bin and give the kid some dignity. I'll let you know how that works out.

2. We have a place to camp out for the beginning of August that is only FORTY minutes from the hospital. Big improvement! We are going to stay at my parents' house since they will be out of state and needed a housesitter anyway. However, I DID have to promise my mom I wouldn't have the baby that week while she was far far away. So ... I guess it doesn't help being close to the hospital if you are contractually obligated to NOT use it. But hey, they also have central air and a pool, so, SCORE. If Baby X still hasn't arrived by then and we aren't in the house yet, we will figure it out then.

I still wish my news was we are getting into the house like, tomorrow, but this takes a load off my mind. I'll keep you abreast of all other important developments.

Also, this is unrelated to Baby X, but you'll thank me later. Here's this:

(my dad loves Star Trek and made us watch a lot of it growing up) :)

Happy Almost Friday!


  1. Hahahahaha I totally did that as a kid, put my headbands over my eyes and said I was Geordie.

    1. Me too! I had one specific blue headband that had ridges and I thought looked a lot like it, and I always thought I was SO SMART that I positioned it just right so it covered my eyes but I could still see!

  2. Really glad you were able to find a make-it-work solution that involves a pool. Good work!

    10 points for the Star Trek reference, also.

    1. Yes, first week of August covered!

      10 points? Very generous.

  3. Awww! That's sweet that Josephine doesn't discriminate against horrible looking alien babies. After playing "mommy" to that thing, Baby X is going to be a VERY nice surprise. ;)

    1. I'll have you know his name is Michael and he is one half of the beloved set of twin baby dolls I played with until ... okay, a long time past being a toddler. I love him and his alien face! :)

  4. I used to try to put as many headbands on as possible and get out the house wearing them. I was rarely successful.

    1. Ha! I used to ask for three pony tails. If two are cool, three must be cooler!

  5. I remember when I had JAckson and would pump milk, Olivia would do it as well... she'd wander around the house with her shirt up and the other attachments to my pump on her. HILARIOUS. I obviously have photos because who wouldn't take advantage of future blackmail?

    1. Yeah, I see a lot attention being paid to her naked chest in my future!


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