Thursday, December 30, 2010

Obligatory End-of-Year Post (Warning: Slightly Fartwarming)

Yes, I finally did it.  I used the word "fartwarming" in a post.  My husband will be so proud (Get it?  Heartwarming ... fartwarming ... because it is "lame" to be heartwarming.  What can I say?  My husband is a boy.)

Anyway, it's been quite a year.  Last year I did the Best of 2009 Challenge, and looking back on it was certainly entertaining.  I had time to do ridiculous things like read books and take on challenges and make improvements to the place I live.  Ha!  

Now I have a BABY and the world revolves around her.  While my back hurts and my brain hurts and my heart has hurt from time to time, I could not be happier that my world is ALL Josephine, ALL the time.

My biggest challenge this year?  Being a mom.  My biggest joy this year?  Being a mom.  The best night of 2010?  Having my baby.  The biggest improvement made to our home?  Having our baby in it.  My favorite book of 2010?  The one with the crinkly pages and teether corners that Josephine loves to chew on.

I warmed you:  Schmoopy.  But oh-so-true.

Last year I gave you a montage of photos from the best day in 2009, and it was my wedding day.  This year, the montage of photos is of my little girl growing up.



Thanks, 2010.  You were a hell of a year.

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