Monday, January 31, 2011

Funny Stuff My Husband Says, Vol. VIII: "Making fun of pictures of his wife" Edition

My husband is like the funniest guy on the planet.  So, every once and a while, I salute him.  Like today.  To see all volumes of Funny Stuff My Husband Says, click here.

I know *I* already made fun of this one, but I can make fun of MYSELF, dammit.  He is supposed to say kind and complimentary things about me at all times.  I put it in our vows.

Anyway, when he saw this beauty:

He said, "Oh.  Lord.  Oh Lord.  Give me that.  I need a closer look.  Wait, a closer look was too much.  It's just all TOO MUCH.  Take it back."

Love you too, a-hole.

Apparently, Jeremy is an expert in the area of hats.

When he saw this picture:

He said, "You can always tell when people who don't normally wear hats try to wear hats.  So sad."

And then when he saw this one:

He said, "Look, there it is again!  Why do you even try to wear hats?"

As this one caught his eye:
He said, "Oh, are you all tarted up in this one?  Let me see it."
Veronica:  TARTED up?  What the eff?
Jeremy:  Oh, I guess not.
Veronica:  Tarted up?
Jeremy:  Yeah, I thought maybe you were wearing a club shirt.
Veronica:  Nope, just a cotton halter and a grey cotton hoodie from the GAP.
Jeremy:  That actually sounds pretty slutty.  Can I see that picture again?
Veronica:  Absolutely not.


  1. that is so true about hats. i myself am hat handicapped.

    That last one is classic. guys can be such cavemen ;)

    (found you in the blogher sidebar :)

  2. I'm a person who doesn't normally wear hats and I feel like when I try to wear hate, in pictures especially, you can tell that I don't normally wear hats.


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