Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Can't Think of a Title Either. Just Roll with It.

Do you want to know how super-advanced I am?  I have been blogging IN MY HEAD.  Awesome, right?  In my about-to-fall asleep moments, I compose a hilarious blog post, and my tired brain says, No worries, Ver, you will TOTALLY remember every detail of this when you wake up.  Sleeeep, mama, SSSLLLEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP.  Spoiler alert:  I do NOT.  Then I curse myself.  Then I check Blogger to see if maybe the words magically transferred to the computer through the power of my superior brain and published themselves.  Turns out, no.

Without getting into too many details (for two reasons: 1. I'm sure many of you don't care a lick about the topic, and 2. this is a topic many people tend to be Judgey McJudgertons about, and I don't have the energy to defend my parenting choices), there have been some major sleep and schedule changes for the wee one, and it has changed my own schedule like whoa, and I am having trouble functioning.  Also, I got another book to review, and it is SIX HUNDRED PAGES.  Good thing I am loving it, but I will be reading and then look up and it's one AM and I'm like, Ver, you moron!!  SLEEP.  Then I write a blog post in my head as I fall asleep.  Circle of life.

ANYway, I opened my drafts this morning and saw that for some reason, I had been saving a bunch of youtube videos I love, and I was going to slap them all together in a post and be like Look!  Videos!  Watch them!  Aren't you happy now?  YOU'RE WELCOME.  Then I realized that was slightly lame.

You know what is NOT lame?  Writing about how you don't write and then sharing videos of your VERY OWN BABY.  That is the opposite of lame.  So, check it:

(It turns out you can't rotate videos on youtube.  Lesson learned)

Man, that is one cute baby.

Thanks for humoring me, all!


  1. Okay. Your baby = cutest ever. I felt like she was telling me some elaborate story that required much emphasis and hand gestures in order to convey her very important point. Girl is going to be a talker.

  2. Aww, Shan! You are a girl after my heart! Yes, she is quite a talker, and I feared that would be the case, seeing as her mother has a hard time keeping her mouth shut. Ever. Thanks again!

  3. I write blog posts in my head ALL the time, and am always super pissed when they aren't there! WTF, we really need to work on this brain to webpage shit.

  4. Okay. Your baby = cutest ever. I felt like she was telling me some elaborate story that required much emphasis and hand gestures in order to convey her very important point. Girl is going to be a talker.

  5. I write blog posts in my head ALL the time, and am always super pissed when they aren't there! WTF, we really need to work on this brain to webpage shit.


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