Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Sad and Scary Truth

When I got pregnant, I had no qualms at all about "ruining my body," like some people might. I was severely unhappy with my body before I got pregnant, and though I knew it technically could get worse, it was hard to imagine that actually happening.  

What I never imagined, however, was the state my body would be in 8 months after giving birth. I expected stretch marks (check!) and stretched-out skin on my stomach (check!), but this? This is bad.  

I lost all the baby weight (very quickly, actually), which is weird, because I've spent the last eight years trying unsuccessfully to lose weight. In fact, according to the scale, I've lost all the baby weight PLUS another 20 pounds, but I don't think you can count it as losing the baby weight if NONE came out of my stomach. Yeah. My body never got the memo that I am NO LONGER PREGNANT and therefore the extra stomach space is no longer necessary.

I have lost weight in places I had resigned myself to NEVER losing weight in, like my legs  And my love handles? POOF! Gone! But my stomach? Guh. I see a lot of people glancing down and getting that look on their face like, should I congratulate her on being pregnant again? Or is she just fat? before they quickly look away and look embarrassed and nervous.  

And since I have lost weight in my legs, it makes my round, protruding stomach even more obvious. You know that awesome movie So I Married an Axe Murderer where the dad tells the kid his head is so big it's like an orange on a toothpick? Well, my gut is like an orange with two toothpicks for legs.  

Yeah, those are my feet at the bottom, and YES, they are different sizes. My pregnancy was rough, alright? BACK OFF!

This is not an exaggeration.  

I still look roughly three months pregnant, which for some people would be no big deal. But do you REMEMBER the horror that was me pregnant? I have not. At 12 weeks, when some women don't even know they are pregnant, and most people I know are still keeping the pregnancy a secret, I looked like THIS:


The worst part might be that I have tried to remedy the situation, to no avail. This is where it gets scary, people. I got sick of sit-ups doing nothing, so one night I did THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY sit-ups. Yeah, that's one hundred more than two hundred, and then another fifty. Get this: I felt nothing. No burn. No pain. Not even the next day! What this obviously means is that all my muscles melted away into fat, and doing those sit-ups wasn't flexing my muscles, it was just squeezing fat up against other fat. Based on my extensive knowledge of exercise physiology, I am going to go ahead and say this is NOT an effective exercise.

So, three things:
1.  Body: I hate you.
2.  Universe: Why?
3.  Readers: Does anyone know how to regrow muscle?  Preferably for free, with no surgery, and little-to-no hard work. Thanks. 


  1. maybe it is similar to regrowing bones. Ask Madame Pomfrey.

  2. Same issue here. My daughter will be 3 in Aug., and while I've lost 80 POUNDS since having her, I probably have another 30 or 40 to go, and I swear it all resides in my stomach. I have to do some major cardio to see any of this weight drop off, and it is slowwwwww and steady progress. You can do it!
    If you really worry about your abs, maybe have them checked by a doctor. It is very common for your abs to separate during pregnancy, and you might need surgery to correct it. Ick!

  3. I have found this program amazingly effective and I just started it two months ago.

    I can honestly see and feel more abdominal muscles now (after three kids) than ever before. Also, it really does help with energy levels too. Not quite free but worth every penny!

  4. ES -- I had considered that, but I am sincerely hoping that surgery will not be necessary. :(

    Branwen -- wow! Thanks!! I will get it if it's working for you!

  5. Use a binder. I have had 3 kids via c-section and all of it got smushed back in with the binder. Wear it for a good month straight and take it off to sleep and shower. I actually left mine on while I was sleeping as well. It teaches your muscles to stay in.

  6. If you find out, please GOD let me know!

  7. If you find out, please GOD let me know!

  8. I have found this program amazingly effective and I just started it two months ago.

    I can honestly see and feel more abdominal muscles now (after three kids) than ever before. Also, it really does help with energy levels too. Not quite free but worth every penny!

  9. maybe it is similar to regrowing bones. Ask Madame Pomfrey.


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