Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Baby Likes "Luxury Fruit"

I have been craving fruit like nobody's business.  However, I am not talking about humdrum apples and oranges here.  I have been desiring what Jeremy would call "luxury fruit," meaning it is still expensive and out of season.  Strawberries.  Pineapple.  Blueberries.  Cherries.  Droool.

It has gotten so out of hand that whenever I see an Edible Arrangements commercial, I feel like crying with jealousy.  

Oh, if only I could have my very own Edible Arrangement.  It seems like the world's most perfect gift.

The funny thing is, in all of the commercials, you see people SHARING the Edible Arrangements.  Sharing?

Like, someone gave them an expensive fruit arrangement, sometimes with pieces that are dipped in CHOCOLATE, and they are letting other people touch it.  It seems so unnatural and unlikely to me.  

There is no way I would be graciously offering free "luxury fruit" to guests, friends, or co-workers. Instead, I would likely be crouched in my basement, shoving handfuls in my mouth before anyone could find me and try to pry some from my hands.  

I am aware that Edible Arrangements cost like a bazillion dollars.  HOWEVER, if you were so inclined to purchase one for me, by all means, go right ahead.  And if you need my address, just let me know.  



  1. I dunno, that looks like it's about 45% melon. MOAR CHOCO STRAWBERRIES.

  2. Never heard of these.

    But, sharing? Yeah, not likely.

  3. I have always wanted to see one in real life. And I realize I'm talking about a fruit arrangement like it's a prehistoric animal. :)

  4. Oh wow, they really do cost like a bazillion dollars! $38 for a coffee mug filled with orange slices? No way!

    What you should do is choose the friend you like the least and defriend them forever. Then tell yourself that you're using the money you would have spent on their birthday gift to buy yourself a pinapple, a cantaloupe, and as many berries as you can cram in your cheeks!

  5. The decoration and chocolate dipped fruit is awsome which is Precious and all thing may be worthless in it's comparison.

  6. I am also pregnant (32 weeks) and all I want is fruit too! I could really go for an edible arrangement right now too. mmmm.

  7. I am also pregnant (32 weeks) and all I want is fruit too! I could really go for an edible arrangement right now too. mmmm.

  8. Oh wow, they really do cost like a bazillion dollars! $38 for a coffee mug filled with orange slices? No way!What you should do is choose the friend you like the least and defriend them forever. Then tell yourself that you're using the money you would have spent on their birthday gift to buy yourself a pinapple, a cantaloupe, and as many berries as you can cram in your cheeks!


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