Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Parenting Test

Have you seen that commercial that urges parents not to serve alcohol to their minor children?  Yes, it would have been much better if I had the video right here for you to watch, but I couldn't find it on youtube, so here we are.

Anyway, it is a little girl asking her daddy for things as she gets older and older, the dad giving in every time, and then when she is a teenager she asks for alcohol for her party.  Uh oh!!

We have seen this commercial a lot lately, and when it came on the other night, somehow Jeremy and I had the same idea.

2-year-old girl:  [squeezing a puppy] Daddy, can we take this puppy home? *begging eyes*

[I look at Jeremy and he knows it's go time]

Jeremy:  Fuck no!  We already have enough bodies in this house!

11-year-old girl:  [holding up two dresses in a store] Can I have both of the dresses, Daddy? *fluttering eyelashes*

Jeremy:  Fuck no!  You already have dresses!

16-year-old girl:  [sidling up to her dad in the kitchen] Daddy, can you buy me some alcohol for my party tonight? *sweet smile*

Jeremy:  Sure sweetie.  What do you want me to pick up at the store? *look of adoration and pride*

Yep, he passed with flying colors.  We are all set for this little bundle of joy to join our household.


  1. YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can't WAIT to see pics!

  2. I'm surprised you didn't register for a bottle of Sailor Jerry... you're so unprepared for parenthood!

  3. I'm surprised you didn't register for a bottle of Sailor Jerry... you're so unprepared for parenthood!


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