Friday, June 3, 2011

The Plague House, Redux

Monday:  My poor, sick baby!  There is absolutely nothing worse than a sick baby.  Her congested breathing, her crying, her inability to sleep, her sweet little face covered in snot.  My poor little baby!

Tuesday:  I was so wrong.  There is nothing worse than being sick when your baby is sick.  My sinuses are exploding, my throat feels like a cheese grater has gone over it, and my sweet little baby still can't sleep.  Dear God.  This is the worst.

Friday:  Oh yeah.  Then there's this:

My child thinks my suffering is hilarious.  Of course.  

I hope none of you have the horrible virus we have!  I'll be back soon!  Miss you!

Hugs, kisses, and snot,

Sick Veronica & Sick Josephine


  1. Ummm your coughing sounds a little fake to me. Are you trying to pull a Ferris Bueller, so that you can run around Chicago, while Jeremy has to watch the baby? Because that's the impression that I'm getting.

    PS, Feel better :-)

  2. Mama H -- thanks, hun!

    Jess -- Yeah, those were totally fake coughs, because I was *pretty* sure everyone would vom if they heard my real coughs. I was doing you a solid, sister. Trust me. :)

  3. Ummm your coughing sounds a little fake to me. Are you trying to pull a Ferris Bueller, so that you can run around Chicago, while Jeremy has to watch the baby? Because that's the impression that I'm getting.

    PS, Feel better :-)


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